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Organization Diagnosis

Organization Diagnosis makes it possible to define current issues of the organization. We use our own diagnosis model, which is fully customize for your organization, to verify the hypothetical issues. Our organization diagnosis model divides the organization into two components, output and input. Along with these two components, we proceed our diagnosis in five different aspects; Vision and mission, work and organization, HR system, human resource, employee consciousness, and corporate image (IG Diagnosis Model™).

Organization Structure

To shape the organization in most effective way, we reviews the past documents, interview employees, and proceed a survey. We diagnose group performance, current status of each function, decision making process, performance responsibility, systematic task process level, communication level, decentralization level and lead functions of each group. With the diagnosis result and benchmarking data, we can draw a conclusion of short and long term organization structure plan. As the organization structure changes, various activation plan will be developed by us.

Work Process

Effective work process, which helps the corporation to run their strategy, is highly needed to be successful. First we analyze separation of functions, value chain and RACI chart to understand the current condition, and then we redesign the process by reducing and rearranging. We also support your corporation by setting-up the operation rules and working manual.

Workforce Planning

Workforce Plan is needed when the strategy of corporation or environment changes. With the new plan, the corporate can enhance productivity and efficiency by finding the optimal size of the organization. We consider both macro and microscopic viewpoints to derive the most efficient workforce plan for your corporation.

Corporate Value

The mechanism of management develops from human centered to value centered management. We say value centered management when all of the corporate directions are lined up with the corporate values. Corporate values will be derived based on the analysis of internal and external needs of the corporation (OCP Model). We will also proceed education and promotion plan for internalization of the corporate values.

Organization Culture Diagnosis

Improvement of organization culture begins with recognition of current status. In organization culture diagnosis program, we grasp the root cause of organizational issue and define the area which needs improvement. Organization culture diagnosis process consists development of diagnosis tool, result analysis and improvement tactics. Based on our broad experience on organization culture, we will come up with perfect diagnosis result.

Organization Development

For successful change of organization culture, member’s mindset, behavior and organization system have to change and be aligned all together. Organization development consists development of organization program, system improvement, organizational change plan, and constructing management process. To be successful, the program should be considering every aspect of the change management.

Job Analysis

The first step of having Job function based HR system is to understand and analyze job function. Generally, to analyze a job function, it is necessary to understand and define the success factors of the job. With the result of the analysis, job categorization and job description can be written. And these could be used as a core infrastructure of job function based HR system.

Competency Modeling

Competency modeling can be define as systemization of competencies of those that are needed to maximize the performance level. Typically it is a composition of common, leadership and job competency. Common and leadership competencies are mostly approached from top-down based on the needs of top management, and job competencies are from down to top based on the database of Insightgroup along with the employee workshop. The result can be used in reward, selection, and development fields.

Job Evaluation

Job evaluation is a process of relative evaluation which can be linked to the compensation system. We evaluate the jobs by using our indigenous tool called I-Jet (Insightgroup Job Evaluation Tool). Job Value Indicator, which is a valuation basis of job value, consists 13 elements in 5 fields. If needed, we can also customize the valuation basis for our customers. The output of job evaluation can be used in multiple HR systems including broad band designing.

Job Grade/Promotion

Job grade indicated the role and responsibility of individual, and can be used in HR system in multiple ways (evaluation, compensation etc.). When designing the job grade, we consider the characteristic of the organization along with other advanced organization’s case. Definition, individual replacement, and number of position will be the output of this process. Promotion system should have clear criteria considering fairness, and transparency. To enhance the efficiency of the promotion system, it is important to consider the characteristic of both organization and job position to be suitable.

Individual Performance Management

The ultimate goal of evaluation is to train and maximize the performance by motivating the individual. We define rational evaluation elements, and necessary competencies along with the process of achievement evaluation. To operate the evaluation successfully, line of sight, individual development, motive, and performance leadership’s strengthen should be premised.

Organization Performance Management

Performance management is a tool which continuously and systematically support the organization to achieve their vision by analyzing the process and the past results of their strategy plan. The purpose of performance management is to improve and settle the organizational performance level by systemizing the decision making process and fair assessment system. For successful performance management, responsibility management, KPI, rational performance management process, IT system for efficiency, connection between individual performance and compensation system is necessary.


The fundamental purpose of compensation system is to be the tool of achieving the corporate goal. It is to accelerate employee’s rightful behavior toward the corporate goal, and ultimately the improvement of the corporation. In other words, corporate’s compensation system should be design to be motivate the employees so that they could labor for the organization to achieve the vision. When compensation system is getting planned, we will consider the motivation and cost efficiency by setting the right proportion of base, variable, and other pays including incentive along with welfare.


As managing talented employees are becoming more important, now recruiting process is not only to select outstanding employee, but to attract them also. In Insightgroup, we support every step of recruitment process from attracting to on boarding for talented employees. We shore up middle standing enterprise to recruit talented employees, and plan retention system by offering them RPOS (Recruit Process Outsourcing Service), which progresses in turn key method.

Career Development Planning

CDP (Career Development Program) is a guideline for employee’s career goal achievement. It is composed of directing point, operating policy for each career track, and career path. To manage the career path successfully, direction point should be clarified, and the system, which supports the specialization, should be running properly. Moving/replacing system consists job switch, which supports the individual for their career path, and public subscription system, which replaces the right people in right place. To be successful in running the CDP, the balance between organization’s and individual’s perspective is necessary.

HR Strategy

HR strategy is a rule which top management decided to operate human resource by bridging business strategy, long-term performance, and HR system. By HR strategy, corporate can compose high level direction that includes performance management, compensation, and development of human resource. HR strategy can be derived based on the result of organization diagnosis, business strategy, and best practices. As-is Issue, business challenge, To-be direction, and strategical task could be derived by HR strategy.

Global HR

To expand the business and secure new customers, domestic corporates are speeding up their globalization. As globalization accelerate, the importance of managing local employee is increasing. Global HR combines domestic along with local HR to operate more efficiently, but the characteristic of labor, differentiation on HR practice, philosophy, and culture makes the work extremely difficult. The core issue of global HR is to decide which to maintain and which to localize.

Executive HR

Executives have their own characteristic. And to manage them in the proper way, the organization will need independent HR system. Most of the HR system; selection, development, assessment, compensation, and outplacement; is similar to the ones used to employees, but differences such as connectivity with strategy, and performance responsibility exists. Insightgroup understands the legal status as well as regulation of executives and plan executive HR system, which fits the corporate character to consolidate the competitiveness.

Post Merger Integration

When corporate merger with another, core task; retention on talented employee, balanced consolidation on HR system and organization culture; is necessary for perfect unification. HR unify process begins with analyzing the current status. Then, set-up a direction along with migration plan of unified organization. Especially, unified corporation can inherit the former HR system, but also can be used as an opportunity for development. Based on our merger experience between advanced financial groups, we will suggest proper PMI plan.